Theology… Too Deep??

Martin Luther Translating the Bible  By: Ken Welsh

Martin Luther Translating the Bible By: Ken Welsh

Some would say theology is too deep, can cause confusion, or is simply a waste of one’s time. But this statement could not be further from the truth.

So, what is theology, what does it mean? Let’s take a look at the definition.

Theology: The study of God and of God’s relationship to the world. (from the Greek word theologia) meaning “words” or “speech” about God.

In short, the definition of the word theology, in its simplest form is the study of God. Why would we as believers/Christians, as adopted sons and daughters of God, NOT want to pursue this? Why would we not want to gain a deeper understanding of our heavenly Father and the things which He has spoken to us in His Word (the Bible)? Well, I will let you in on a little secret… we all already do this to some degree, some just more than others. On the surface, to someone who has never dabbled in or explored theology, it can seem a little overwhelming. At least my first experience felt like something similar. There are quite a few big words like exegesis and hermeneutics. And some of the language used can seem foreign to the average person (like me) and even most Christians. But here’s what I have learned. At the root, theology is simply going deeper, gaining wisdom, and expounding our knowledge of the simple truths of God’s Word (the Scriptures).

Look at it this way. When you go scuba diving, you have two options. You can skim around on the surface with a face mask and a breathing tube on seeing what you can be seen from a safe level with your face just below the surface of the water. OR… you can choose to suit up and dive in, be adventurous, and explore the depths of God’s oceans, lakes, and rivers! Some are content to float on the surface, while others will have a hankering and a great desire to dive deeper and see what else there is to see further down. Now let’s be clear, BOTH will see and experience something, both will see some amazing things. But, the one who goes deeper will obviously see and experience things that the person floating on the surface will not. So, you see from this metaphor, ALL who are called by God, have heard His voice and know Him, and who have faith in Him are Christians. I want to make this point noticeably clear. But I believe that theology helps us mature and grow as believers.

While it is true that the simple truths of His Word and the Gospel are what He uses to call and convict us, at the moment of our regeneration, however, I believe it is God’s desire for us to begin to germinate beneath the soil and start to continuously grow in our knowledge of His revealed Word (the Bible) and in our walk with Him (in all aspects) until we break through the surface, gravitating towards the Son, and continue in our growth process ( I image a two-hundred-year-old oak tree) until we reach glorification (our final step in sanctification) and abide in our eternal home with Him! I believe we miss our true potential when we remain content to be tender green shoots, barely breaching through the soil. Unfortunately, we become content to know just enough and therefore miss out on our ability to progress in our relationship, in our walk with Him, and the work we can do for His Kingdom.

In closing, I implore you not to allow the term “theology” to be intimidating or maybe even offensive or uncomfortable to you. Instead, I encourage you to challenge yourself to go deeper into His Word, to grow in your knowledge of Him, and in turn mature in your faith and relationship with Him! You do not have to dive into deep waters to begin with. You can certainly take small steps into the shallows and as you grow in confidence, in and through Him, gradually go deeper. But do not be afraid to put your foot into the water! God has so much He wants to show you; so much He wants you to know and learn! 

My prayer is that your journey into theology is rewarding and you find yourself closer with God every day through the reading and studying of His Word! 


Until next time,

May His grace and His mercies abound with you!

For further study:

2 Timothy 2:15

Hebrews 6:1-3

2 Peter 3:18

Proverbs 18:15

Proverbs 1:5

Psalm 119:18, 105

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Amanda Pruitt

Amanda has been in ministry with her husband, Jonathan Pruitt, for over 15 years and has a gift of encouragement with a strong conviction for the truth of God’s Word. Her passion for ministry as well leads her to bring all that she’s learned to the table in the hopes of helping others gain a better understanding of biblical truths.


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