Eyes Opened Ministries

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What Women Want Vs. What Women Need: Identity in Christ

Deborah by. Gustav Dore

Culture today has changed the way many women view themselves.

A lot of women do not even realize the impact that media has made in their life and desires. When we watch television or scroll through Facebook what do we see? Beautiful women with perfect lives. From their body figure to their lifestyle we all seem to long to become more like them. How often do you find yourself comparing your looks to the looks of other women? The truth is we do this everywhere we go and most of the time we do it unintentionally. Our desire to feel beautiful has captivated our attention more than seeking after Christ. This is placing our identity in the sinful things of this world, the things that ignore Christ and fail to show who He is and what He has done. Rather, we should find our identity in the eternal things that exalt Christ and reflect the redemption He has provided.

Proverbs 31 is always a common passage for Christian women, yet we often overlook many of the truths it contains.

Verse 30 in Proverbs 31 states, “Charm is deceitful, and beauty is vain, but a woman who fears the LORD, she shall be praised.” Time has a way of changing the way that you view things. As a teenager, I always thought that beauty was the most important thing in my life. Being noticed by others as pretty became what I put my identity in. That beauty is temporary and only lasts for a short time. As time presses on we begin to get wrinkles and stretch marks. Our pants might not always fit as they use to. Our bodies become tired and worn rather than energetic and lively as in the days of our youth. Outward beauty fades away but the inward heart remains the same. Our hearts should be focused on the LORD. Fearing the LORD brings about a lasting beauty. Think of all the time you wasted on an outward beauty that is quickly fading away while a true beauty was right within reach.

One issue with craving to be like popular models and actresses is their lack of modesty and discretion in the way they present themselves. Their clothes are very revealing and tight making it evident that their identity is found in their sexuality rather than in Christ who values modesty. 1 Timothy 2:9-10 tells us, “Likewise also that women should adorn themselves in respectable apparel, with modesty and self-control, not with braided hair and gold or pearls or costly attire, but with what is proper for women who profess godliness – with good works.” Clearly, scripture shows us that immodesty goes against God’s commands. I love the quote by Elisabeth Elliot when she says, “ To me, a lady is not frilly, flouncy, flippant, frivolous, and fluff-brained, but she is gentle, she is gracious, she is godly, and she is giving. You and I have the gift of femininity… the more womanly we are, the more manly men will be, and the more God is glorified. Be women, be only women, be real women in obedience to God.” We should desire a more holy adornment simply to bring more glory and honor to God.

Another quality of a Christian woman is that her beauty is to be seen in her good works.

We should be viewed by other women as kind, humble, and having a servant attitude. We should not be a gossiper but should be known as a trustworthy friend. A woman who follows Christ is gentle and quiet in spirit never complaining but always serving others as she reflects Christ. 1 Thessalonians 5:16-18 says, “Rejoice always; pray without ceasing; in everything give thanks; for this is God’s will for you in Christ Jesus.” We are to be thankful for the many blessings we are given. The body God has given us is special. When we compare ourselves to others it is almost like shaking our fist at God and complaining that we were not made a different way. We should view our bodies as a beautiful gift from the LORD. We were created in our own unique way to bring Him glory and that alone should bring forth joy in our hearts.

Christian women today, should turn from being lovers of self and ignite a fervent passion for God. We must begin to acquire a grateful heart and gracefully accept the aging of our bodies over time. Our desire should be to live so that our minds and bodies, are a holy sacrifice for our Lord and Savior. 

So, I ask you, what is your heart focused on? Are you seeking what you want in life rather than seeking after the one true God? Does your heart long for a worldly beauty or do you long for a life pleasing and accepting to God? No matter how God chooses to use us, no matter what we look like from the outside, we are to love and cherish the Lord with all our heart. We all can benefit from reflecting on the Puritan prayer from the book Valley of Vison:

“O’Christ, all thy ways of mercy tend to and end in my delight. 

Thou didst weep, sorrow, suffer that I might rejoice. 

For my joy thou hast sent the Comforter, multiplied thy promises, shown me my future happiness, given me a fountain. 

Thou art preparing joy for me and me for joy; I pray for joy, wait for joy, long for joy; give me more than I can hold, desire, or think of.”

How joyful it is that the Holy Spirit sanctifies us as we walk with Christ. How amazing it is that He can turn our sinful heart from the desires and longings of this world and point us to the lasting fulfillment in Christ. Seek true joy my friends and let the Lord work within the beautiful heart and body that he has given you.


Citations: Bennet, Valley of Vision, 162.